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Wednesday, May 2

Free Floyd Landis

I am a huge Tour de France fan. I actually get up early in the morning to watch, and last summer I watched with amazement as Floyd Landis completed one of the most amazing stage victories that I have ever seen. I was thrilled for him when he won the Tour, and I was hurt when he was accused of cheating.

Call me what you will, but I still want to believe Floyd. I don't trust the results of the lab which continue to offer, at best, mixed results. All from a country that really doesn't like that we yanks have dominated their little bike race for nearly a decade. And a country that made it a national past time trying to bring down Lance. When they couldn't get to him, they got Floyd.

With all that being said, I still really like the above France design. It reminds me of a time prior to tabloid reporting, synthetic testosterone, and the whole sport with a HUGE cloud over it. You can find this Sandbox Threads design in the Travel Section.

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