We "nipped it in the bud" and Sandbox Threads now offers in our Famous Faces section--Deputy Barney Fife. If you have suggestions of other Famous Faces you'd like to see, please let us know.
Saturday, June 30
That's Deputy Barney Fife to You!!!
Posted by The Dad of Sandbox Threads at 9:26 AM 0 comments
Labels: baby clothes, cool baby clothes, hip onesies, toddler t-shirt
Tuesday, June 26
Mighty Goods Likes Yet Another Sandbox Threads Design
We love MightyGoods.com. They offer short, sweet tidbits about products they find around the net including Sandbox Threads designs. We couldn't be happier that they like us.
This time around it is our Sit n Spin design. I have to admit, we like it too.
Posted by The Dad of Sandbox Threads at 9:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: baby clothes, cool baby clothes, hip onesies, toddler t-shirt
Monday, June 25
Sandbox Threads Gift Certificates NOW AVAILABLE!
Sandbox Threads is now offering GIFT CERTIFICATES in the amount of $25, $50, $75, & $100. These gift certificates can be printed out at home to be slipped in a card or gift box, or emailed directly to the recipient. We are thrilled to offer this new feature at Sandbox Threads.
We have also introduced several new design in of all places our New Designs section. Take a look and let us know what you think.
Posted by The Dad of Sandbox Threads at 11:54 AM 0 comments
Labels: baby clothes, cool baby clothes, hip onesies, toddler t-shirt
Sunday, June 24
Sandbox Threads "Flash"es It's Homepage
Sorry about the overly corny headline to this entry, but I'm a bit punch drunk, so please forgive me. This weekend, Sandbox Threads (or more specifically me, myself, and I) struggled with, and finally learned enough of Adobe Flash to make a movie and add it to the opening page on Sandbox Threads.
When I came upon the idea of starting an online business, I never could have imagined the learning that would go into getting the business up and running, and then maintain and growing the business by adding more and more designs, content, and improving the website. Boy, does my brain hurt.
Worst of all, I still have the figure out how the pay the government once tax season comes around. Wish me luck.
Posted by The Dad of Sandbox Threads at 7:51 PM 0 comments
Labels: baby clothes, cool baby clothes, hip onesies, toddler t-shirt
Thursday, June 21
Mom Finds Review Sandbox Threads
Elmo Who? Mom Finds just posted the latest review of Sandbox Threads. Thanks Lisa and the rest of the staff at Mom Finds for the great review.
Posted by The Dad of Sandbox Threads at 3:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: baby clothes, cool baby clothes, hip onesies, toddler t-shirt
Wednesday, June 20
New Johnny Cash Design
Sandbox Threads wants to add a new Johnny Cash design to our Famous Faces section. Unfortunately, we cannot decide whether to go with Elder Cash, Young John or Guitar Playing Johnny. I have included images of all three designs, and we want your help in deciding.
Please vote in the poll below for your favorite Cash Design. The new design will be introduced next week. Voting ends June 27.
Sandbox Threads thanks you for you help!!
Posted by The Dad of Sandbox Threads at 7:25 AM 2 comments
Labels: baby clothes, cool baby clothes, hip onesies, toddler t-shirt
Monday, June 18
As Promised....Postmodern Picture BooksThe Three Pigs by David Weisner
The Three Pigs by David Weisner
As promised, Elizabeth, the mom of Sandbox Threads and professor of education, has entered the world of blogging. It was not hard to get her to write on the subject of postmodern picture books. Below is the first in the postmodern picture books feature on The Thread of Sandbox Threads.
I admit it, I am a picture-book-aholic. It is physically difficult for me to be around picture books in a store and not pick them up and eventually purchase at least one. My husband’s nose used to crinkle up when I brought home a great find from a used book store or when an Amazon.com box arrived on the doorstep until I told him that book buying was a much better vice than hitting the vodka bottle each morning. Now he not only puts up with my passion, he has jumped on board, locating interesting titles for me and critiquing the picture books I bring home.
The way picture books combine text and illustrations to convey meaning intrigues me. While I love a good traditional story, I’m drawn to unique books. Books that push the envelope in terms of text and/or illustrations. Postmodern picture books do just this. They shake things up in terms of what readers expect to happen in a story.
Take The Three Pigs by David Weisner, for example. This book begins like the familiar traditional story of three pigs building three types of houses. A couple of pages into the story, the wolf actually blows the pig out of the story. The pig then talks the other two pigs into joining him on his adventure and they fly off on a paper airplane fashioned from a page in the book. Take a look at this unique story to find out what happens.
I’ve read this story to fourth graders and the majority fell in love with the idea that the characters in the book actually left the story.
We’d love to hear what you or your kids think of David Wiesner’s The Three Pigs.
This link takes you to a recent interview of David Weisner. Enjoy, and please let us know what you think about this post, and if you would like to see more like it in the future.
Also, don't forget to visit, Sandbox Threads. No postmodern books, but loads of hip onesies and tees.
Posted by The Dad of Sandbox Threads at 1:49 PM 1 comments
Labels: baby clothes, cool baby clothes, hip onesies, toddler t-shirt
Friday, June 15
Celebrity Baby Blog Reviews Sandbox Threads
Celebrity Baby Blog just posted what we consider an AMAZING review of Sandbox Threads. Go read the review and then why not go shopping over at Sandbox Threads.
Posted by The Dad of Sandbox Threads at 8:56 AM 1 comments
Labels: baby clothes, cool baby clothes, hip onesies, toddler t-shirt
Wednesday, June 13
"Raise Kids Like a Man"
A Stay at Home Dad rewrites the Rules of Fatherhood
I particularly like #7 since it characterizes both myself and my wife to a T.
Do you have a favorite stay at home dad (SAHD)? If so, Sandbox Threads has a shirt to make him proud, My SAHD Rocks....
EDITOR'S NOTE--my wife wanted me to clarify that I was only referring to the diaper changing routine in #7 and not the rule entirely. Sorry dear.
Posted by The Dad of Sandbox Threads at 2:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: baby clothes, cool baby clothes, hip onesies, toddler t-shirt
Monday, June 11
Classy Mommy Reviews Sandbox Threads
We're back from our family vacation, and it is time to blog again. As promised, you will see a post from my wife about Postmodern Picture Books in the next few days, and today, go check out our latest review from Classy Mommy. Thanks Colleen and Classy Mommy.
Posted by The Dad of Sandbox Threads at 7:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: baby clothes, cool baby clothes, hip onesies, toddler t-shirt
Sandbox Threads's Fan Box
About Me
- The Dad of Sandbox Threads
- I'm not, to my knowledge, a "hipster parent (I was in the marching band in high school for petes sake)," and to be honest, I don't even know what being a "hipster parent" entails. I don't live in the city (although I have), and I couldn't name a posh baby clothing line if I had to. I do, however, enjoy good music, vintage tees, most things 80s, Jon Stewart, the Office, and now that I have a son & a daughter, I enjoy dressing them in funky, retro clothes void of duckies and doggies. If that coupled with being a stay at home dad makes me a hipster parent, then I guess I'm guilty.
Blog Archive
- That's Deputy Barney Fife to You!!!
- Mighty Goods Likes Yet Another Sandbox Threads Design
- Sandbox Threads Gift Certificates NOW AVAILABLE!
- Sandbox Threads "Flash"es It's Homepage
- Mom Finds Review Sandbox Threads
- New Johnny Cash Design
- As Promised....Postmodern Picture BooksThe Three P...
- Celebrity Baby Blog Reviews Sandbox Threads
- "Raise Kids Like a Man"
- Classy Mommy Reviews Sandbox Threads