I went to college in southwest Virginia (Emory & Henry College to be exact--great place, take a look. E&H is ranked in the top 100 universities in the country by Forbes Magazine).
Anyway, SW Virginia is also home to the Carter family (including June Carter Cash, Johnny's wife. You know, Johnny Cash) and the Carter Family Fold still host bluegrass shows each weekend. So when I heard the above radio ad from Ralph Stanley endorsing Barack Obama, it made me smile.
It may not seem like that big a deal to the rest of the country, but this ad from a southerner speaking directly to other southerners gets closer to the core of MOST southerners than anything I have heard from either campaign. Most rural southerners are not the hate filled racist as they are often portrayed. Most are good, kind folks and a simple ad like this, I believe, from one of their own may really help change some minds.
Anyway, we're taking a week off to visit family, so we'll talk to you again next week.
Thursday, October 9
A Message from Ralph Stanley
Posted by The Dad of Sandbox Threads at 11:53 AM
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- The Dad of Sandbox Threads
- I'm not, to my knowledge, a "hipster parent (I was in the marching band in high school for petes sake)," and to be honest, I don't even know what being a "hipster parent" entails. I don't live in the city (although I have), and I couldn't name a posh baby clothing line if I had to. I do, however, enjoy good music, vintage tees, most things 80s, Jon Stewart, the Office, and now that I have a son & a daughter, I enjoy dressing them in funky, retro clothes void of duckies and doggies. If that coupled with being a stay at home dad makes me a hipster parent, then I guess I'm guilty.
That's AWESOME!! I still worry about the "good ole boys" back home (SW VA) voting for Obama. To see Ralph Stanley (whom I LOVE!) supporting him just might sway 'em. :fingers crossed:
I admit it - I had to google Ralph Stanley. I have been away from the South tooooooo long!!
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