Thursday, July 29
A Close Up Look at Sandbox Threads
I'm still a few days away from starting "The Great Shirt Mock-Up" (see below), so in the meantime, I'm still taking pictures of shirts, and I discovered a neat benefit of taking pictures for one more day, some new views of Sandbox Threads.
When I put the camera down, I could see the above view through the screen. I liked it and took a picture. I then proceeded to take other "close-up" shots of some views around Sandbox Threads.
Yeah, I know, but this is what I do.
Posted by The Dad of Sandbox Threads at 10:12 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 28
One of These Things Is Not Like the Other
I am finally giving in, and I'm pretty excited about it. Since I started Sandbox Threads, I have tried to take individual pictures of the shirts we make and then manually upload them to our website. Doing it the "old way" adds extra work and I often find myself behind a big stack of pictures that never make it to the site.
An alternative to taking actual photos is to use shirt mock-ups. Most sites you visit already do this (and I bet most of you didn't even know). I have used mock-ups of our shirts before, but I just didn't want to give in and stop taking pictures of our shirt. I didn't (until now).
Side by side the mock-up looks better than the photo, and the mock-up is still a true representation of our shirts. So, I'm making the change that will not only save me a bunch of work, but make the Sandbox Threads website look better.
I hope you agree that our cool toddler shirts and baby onesies really do look better.
And in case you couldn't tell, the above picture is the mock-up while the picture below is an actual photo.
Posted by The Dad of Sandbox Threads at 5:25 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 26
SBT Shirt + Cute Kids = AWESOME Slideshow
Just a few of the thousands of kids sporting some of the awesome baby clothes from Sandbox Threads. And starting today, receive $1 store credit for each picture you send to us with your little one wearing one of our cool baby shirt. Check out the full details at Sandbox Threads.
Posted by The Dad of Sandbox Threads at 7:23 PM 0 comments
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About Me

- The Dad of Sandbox Threads
- I'm not, to my knowledge, a "hipster parent (I was in the marching band in high school for petes sake)," and to be honest, I don't even know what being a "hipster parent" entails. I don't live in the city (although I have), and I couldn't name a posh baby clothing line if I had to. I do, however, enjoy good music, vintage tees, most things 80s, Jon Stewart, the Office, and now that I have a son & a daughter, I enjoy dressing them in funky, retro clothes void of duckies and doggies. If that coupled with being a stay at home dad makes me a hipster parent, then I guess I'm guilty.