Now that the Sandbox Threads' family has added a little girl, we realize that our selection for girls on Sandbox Threads is quite limited. Actually, we've known this for some time, but we're just now getting around to doing something about it.
So, starting July 1, we'll be offering dresses. The dress (pictured above) will be available in fuchsia (the top picture) in size 2T & 4T. The dress is 100% ribbed cotton with a "racer" back. Since the dress is ribbed cotton, we will not be able to offer every design on the dresses, but most designs will be available.
Depending on the response, we may add more sizes and colors in the months to come. Please let us know what you think.
Monday, June 30
Dresses at Sandbox Threads
Posted by The Dad of Sandbox Threads at 2:12 PM 2 comments
Saturday, June 28
Is It Just Me?
Or does our Groovy Girl design on a grass onesie just scream--SUMMERTIME! I'm not sure why, but this combo just makes me happy.
Have a great weekend, and Sandbox Threads will be having a sale all next week. To find out the sale details, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter (you can do so right down there on the left).
Posted by The Dad of Sandbox Threads at 6:03 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 24
The Best Office in the WORLD!
Sure, we're a little cramped now that we've lost the dedicated office space for Sandbox Threads (at least for the short term), but I cannot imagine any better office than the one pictured.
The commute is easy, the office "chair" (bed) is comfy. And I have some wonderful coworkers. It may not be the fanciest "corporate headquarters," but I think it's the best--hands down.
Posted by The Dad of Sandbox Threads at 12:58 PM 2 comments
Saturday, June 21
A New Addition to the Sandbox Threads' Family
The Sandbox Threads family is thrilled to announce the arrival of our newest member..Maya Kristina. Maya arrived on June 20th at 9:46pm. She weighs in at a whooping 6lbs 5oz. Both the mom and new baby of Sandbox Threads are doing well.
We're taking a few days off, but Sandbox Threads will be back to full speed starting June 25th.
Posted by The Dad of Sandbox Threads at 1:17 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, June 17
The Long-Ago Promised ORGANIC Shirts & Onesies
For months now, we have continued to say, "coming soon, 100% Organic Cotton Onesies & Shirts." And for months, we were told by our distributor, they will be arriving "next week." Well, next week is finally now, and as long as SBT Baby Two does not decide to arrive within the next few hours, then you will be able to purchase 100% organic shirts and onesies at Sandbox Threads.
And the best part, you won't pay a penny more for the organic cotton. Initially, we'll being offering only the short-sleeve organic onesies and shirts in white and natural. Once we get a little closer to fall, we plan to add the long-sleeve shirts as well.
Thanks for your patience, and more than likely our next post on our little blog will be introducing the newest addition to the Sandbox Threads' family. We're very excited and, I believe, finally ready for our newest addition. Check back soon.
Posted by The Dad of Sandbox Threads at 7:14 PM 2 comments
Friday, June 13
We've Got Ants on our Shirts....
...which is an infinitely better option that ants in our pants. The newest addition to Sandbox Threads' Cool Baby Clothes line is Ant (Or as our son likes to say, "Antn', Antn'").
We could think of no better design to add to our collection during these hot summer days than Ant. We hope you agree.
Posted by The Dad of Sandbox Threads at 5:11 PM 3 comments
Sunday, June 8
Name Troubles for Baby Two
As many of you know, the Sandbox Threads family will be adding a new member in the next few weeks (and maybe days). We're having a little girl to go along with our son. The problem is that we still do not have a name for her. We have a few names, but we're not 100% sold on the names we do have.
Naming our son, on the other hand, was not an issue whatsoever (why is "whatsoever" one word? Anyone?). Anyway, at our wedding reception, Elizabeth and I danced to Ben Harper's "By My Side." You can see Ben perform the song in the video below, and please note, the organ solo, while wonderfully groovy, is REALLY long when everyone is staring at you and waiting to eat and get the real party started.
While on our honeymoon, we made friends with a couple of guys who were attending the Ben Harper show in DC and they invited us to join them. We changed our plane tickets and joined them. This short clip is actually from the show we attended.
So when it came time to name our son, we didn't have to think too long about his name, Ben.
We've had no such inspiration with our little girl to be. Although, I bet once we meet her, we'll be plenty inspired.
Posted by The Dad of Sandbox Threads at 12:57 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, June 4
New Slide Show
We think our new slide show at Sandbox Threads is great, BUT we need more pictures. So please keep sending us pictures of your lil guys and gals, and we'll keep adding them to our show. Enjoy!
Posted by The Dad of Sandbox Threads at 10:25 PM 0 comments
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About Me

- The Dad of Sandbox Threads
- I'm not, to my knowledge, a "hipster parent (I was in the marching band in high school for petes sake)," and to be honest, I don't even know what being a "hipster parent" entails. I don't live in the city (although I have), and I couldn't name a posh baby clothing line if I had to. I do, however, enjoy good music, vintage tees, most things 80s, Jon Stewart, the Office, and now that I have a son & a daughter, I enjoy dressing them in funky, retro clothes void of duckies and doggies. If that coupled with being a stay at home dad makes me a hipster parent, then I guess I'm guilty.